
Happy to report, In Situ sold out and is back at the printers. Hope to be shipping the new printing in about a week!

Frank Santoro gives a really lovely review of In Situ over at So glad he liked the book; his review is so encouraging!

Speaking of reviews, here’s one that I never posted from Magic Muscle Media.

As for new comics, I have quite a backlog of journal comics that I haven’t yet posted. These will go up soon.

And! The “convention season” is starting:

MoCCA in NY, April 28 & 29. I won’t have a table there, but I’ll be helping out at the Fantagraphics booth. Come find me, say hi. I will have copies of In Situ as well as a new minicomic of journals and more.

TCAF in Toronto, May 5 & 6! FREE! So excited for this festival! I’ll be at the Colosse table with Vincent Giard, David Turgeon, Sophie Bedard, Julie Delporte, Jimmy Beaulieu, and especially Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau and Francois Samson Dunlop, for the release of the English translation of Pinkerton, which I helped edit.

The Anarchist Bookfair in Montreal, May 19 & 20. This event will rule! It’s free!


GTD and Cartoonists

As I’m transitioning out of one place and into another (moving from Oakland/Berkeley to Seattle for the next 4 months), I’ve been taking care of business before I go, and thinking about how best to manage my time in the near future. I started looking at the ‘Getting Things Done’ book. Weirdly, I’d encountered it via a lot of cartoonists whose work I really admire: Kevin Huizenga has mentioned GTD directly a lot, and Dash Shaw said in an interview somewhere that he was into motivational books, I think maybe GTD but can’t I quite recall (Dash has said in interviews that his mom is a psychologist but despite that, he was attracted to the ‘low brow’ stuff). Kevin H has said it’s helpful for structuring his time, and has even offered some modifications and helpful additions on his blog, along with drawings. It must have sunk pretty deep into his psyche, because one of his comics in Fantagraphics’ Ganges #3 is called “Getting Things Done.”

Yesterday I was sitting with my lady, playing with my brand new iPod Touch in a coffee shop (which she got me for the holly-days/our anniversary). I was getting all excited because there are lots of GTD apps for iOS. Of course, she’s had a field day making fun of me about my recent interest in this (and who wouldn’t). But! Her friend who works at the cafe came out and showed us some new audio programming books he was about to dig into (he’s a bay area musician who’s been getting a lot of play lately). I excitedly mentioned GTD, and it turns out he’s totally hooked in! All of this really makes me wonder how many of the productive people I know have read that book.