Tour Dates!


If you’re in NY please come say hi at the Bluestockings book launch for War of Streets and Houses (Monday April 7th at 7pm), or one of the other events below!

Spring/Summer appearances thus far:

4/02 – Providence, RI - Comic Reading with Sam Alden, O. Horvath, Cathy Johnson, Mickey Z

4/5&6 – NY, NY - MoCCA Festival – with Uncivilized Books

4/07 – NY, NY - Bluestockings – NY book launch for War of Streets and Houses

4/08 – NY, NY - New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium – with Sam Alden

4/11-13 – Quebec City - Festival de la Bande Dessinée Francophone de Quebec – with la mauvaise tête

5/1 – White River Junction, VT - Center for Cartoon Studies – with Sam Alden

5/10 & 11 – Toronto, ON - TCAF – with Uncivilized Books

5/31 & 6/1 – Chicago IL - CAKE – with Uncivilized Books

8/2&3 – Providence, RI - RIPExpo

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